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Feel Awesomer is operated by Drew Mikita, Associate Professor of Psychology and Licensed Professional Counselor. Feel Awesomer is designed to empower people to feel better by being aware of their decisions.

I teach a wide array of Psychology classes. Born and raised in Hudson, Ohio, I followed my dreams of being a mountain person after getting a Master’s Degree in counseling from Ohio University. On top of teaching I have a variety of interests:

  • Licensed Professional Counselor (Colorado ID number 6014)
  • Writer/Blogger
  • Coach and Sport Psychology Consultant
  • Passions and Interests
    • Back country skiing
    • Mountain biking
    • Trekking and Travel and Adventure
    • Photography
    • Disc golf and Ultimate Frisbee
    • Cooking, Canning, Baking
    • Arts and Woodwork
    • Music. Particularly Phish.
    • Yoga
    • My fur babies, Lucy and Linus. 


  • B.A. Psychology, Ohio University (2004)
  • M. Ed. Clinical and Rehabilitation Counseling, Ohio University (2007)
  • Currently Pursuing Doctorate in Sport Psychology and Human Performance (All But Dissertation presently)

Professional Experience

Feel Awesomer is  a way to share resources and tools that have worked for me to drastically improve my mental health.  Feel Awesomer empowers people to be happier, healthier, and more satisfied. All using positive, healthy, side-effect free, proven methods to improve mental wellness. 

After going through a rough stretch in my life I needed to make some changes. Bad habits, resentments, negative behaviors, and more held me back. As a person with a mental illness (Bipolar Disorder), I understand that it is easy to feel trapped by a disorder. However, with self-care, a good support system, and making the Next Right Decision can lead to happiness.

This holistic approach, healthy lifestyles, and positive practices can improve mental health. Making small positive/healthy/right decisions can make a huge difference in mental wellness, and is fun, cheap (or free), and has allowed me to grow and find happiness I never thought possible.

I want to help you grow, find strength, and be a happier, healthier, awesomer you. I have been down an out, suicidal, dark, anxious, scared, and depressed at times, just an illness with bad results. Yet, managed to find my way out.I am not different than you, just get out and find happiness, Feel Awesomer now

Honoring Lauren Hoover, Everest Base Camp

Athletic Accomplisments

  • Imperial Challenge (2015-present)
  • Mount Everest Marathon (2016)
  • Grand Traverse Bike (2017)
  • Firecracker 50 Miler (2017-present)
  • Steamboat Stinger 50 Miler (2017)
  • National Championships Master’s Ultimate Frisbee 2015 (7th place)
  • Copper Vertical K (2016)
  • Gratitude 100
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