Find the activities and mindsets to help enhance one’s level of awesomeness, all self guided and chosen. The following awesome opportunities will improve immediate and long-term wellness.
The following activities have been proven to help improve overall mental health and reduce the immediate and long-term symptoms of mental illness. Take the Feel Awesomer Mood Meter before and after participating in an activity to understand any influence it had mental health.
- Gratitude Letter. This can be to someone, something, or any sort of recognition of something you are appreciative of. Wanna be bold? Read it to him or her!
- Keep a gratitude journal. This can be written (3 a day, etc,) photographic (picture of something you are grateful for everyday).
- Record video messages of gratitude. Keep to yourself, or share with the world.
- Be Creative! Check out the Gratitude 100.
- Practice intentional acts of kindness. Be polite, hold doors, pay it forward, help someone struggling. The world will offer plenty of opportunities being kind. Take these chances.
- Volunteer. Go help someone be happier.
- The Rage Phishenstein Kindness Opportunit
Physical Activity

- Set a goal or intention to incorporate physical activity. Find a way to improve yourself physically and work towards it.
- Sports (Basketball, soccer, football, catch, etc.)
- Bike
- Hike/Run/Walk
- Go to the gym
- Yoga
- Try small workplace movements (Although these are small it is a start) (Ethan Boldt)
- Chop wood
- Dance
- Just move around
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Spend time in nature
- Be silent, be still, be present.
- PUT YOUR DAMN PHONE DOWN! Take a digital diet (abstain from screens or technology and focus on being present.
- Engage in the moment, be present.

Human Connection
- Call, see, or email a friend or family member.
- Share a positive memory with a friend.
- Make a new friend
- Create something with someone. (Art, a teepee, a meal, etc.)
- Plan something (Go to a concert, hike, lunch in a park, happy hour, jog, bike ride, game night, event or PJ-couch-hang-session, whatever
- Get coffee or happy hour with a friend(s). put your phones in the middle of the table. First person to touch their phone has to pay!
Self Care

- Create your Youathalon.
- TREAT YOURSELF! Enjoy a day to yourself, be kind to yourself in some way you generally neglect.
- Savor Something of value