The Rage Phishenstein Kindness Opportunity

Rage being Rage

You may be thinking, who is Rage Phishenstein?  How rad are her parents for giving her that name? Also operating under the alias Rachel Bernstein, one of the gentlest, most compassionate, and caring people in the universe. She knows nothing other than kindness, and is kindness. Homegirl has kindness emanating from her mind, body, and soul, and it is contagious and deserves to be recognized. 

When I was looking for kindness ideas for Positive Psychology she suggested this little kindness gem. Here is all you have to do.

  • Come up with a list of kind activities, gestures, whatever you like. Make them specific to your workplace/home/town or vague and general, up to you. 10-15 kindness opportunities you would like to see.
  • Write them on the bottom of a sheet, like how someone puts a phone number up when trying to rent a room or sell a bike.
  • Place the sheet some where people can pull them off (My is on my office door) other suggestions bathrooms, break areas, any where that allows things to be posted and won’t end up as litter.
  • Have people come back and either sign the sheet after they did the kindness deed and what they did, or return the piece of paper.
  • Make variations on this activity! Get creative and be kind.