Directions. This is the goal setting activity used in class for my students to set and track goals and progress.
For this project you will set two to three goals in class, which you will be tracking and measuring throughout the class. Set goals that are realistic, challenging, and beneficial to your overall mental health. Make sure to read the goal setting article for class! I encourage you to write down your goals and answer the following questions.
Step 1- Set your goals
Select one or two goals to help you improve in some way or another. Be very specific and intentional about what you are choosing for a goal. it should have meaning, me realistic, attainable, measurable in some way,
- Goal 1:
- Goal 2 (optional):
Step 2- Measure Current Status
In some way or another give a starting point for where you currently are on your goal. If your goal is quantitative (like losing weight, going to the gym X times, etc.) this will be a number, time, weight, quantity, amount or some clearly identifiable value. If it is qualitative goal (Like be nicer, feel better, or work harder), just give an idea of where you are at present.
- Goal 1:
- Goal 2 (optional):
Step 3- Improvement Plan
You know your end goal, how are you going to get there? What are the steps to help you reach that goal. Think about the specific behaviors that will aid in your attainment of your goal. Each goal will have unique behaviors to help you reach it. Come up with at least 7 specific things you can do to help you reach your goal.
- Goal 1:
7. - Goal 2 (optional):
Share these goals with at least two people! Accountability is important for goal attainment!
Weekly Reflection Log
- Goal Setting (1) Why did you choose the goal that you did? How are you going to set yourself up for success to reach this goal?
- Goal Setting Update (2). How did your first week go? What went well, what did not? What have you learned about yourself in this activity?
- Goal Setting (3) After a week many people fall of their goals, how are you doing with your goal? If you have fallen off, how and why? How can you get back on track? If you are still doing well, why do you think that is?
- Goal Setting (4) How is goal setting going? Are you still motivated and hungry? Or have the wheels completely come off? What is your approach for this coming week?
- Goal Setting (5): How do you feel a month after you set your goal? Have any changes occurred? What have you learned about yourself?
- Goal Setting (6): Where are you? How can we as a class help you get to where you want to be with your goal? Your friends and family?
- Class Reflection (5): Since we are all aging and will likely face some sort of decline or limitation on our activity, how do you plan to cope with this change? OR What have you learned about brain injuries? How will this impact your decision making?
- Goal Setting (7): Measure where you are currently on your goals compared to what you started.
- Goal Setting (8): How does stress impact your goal setting and overall functioning and behavior? How can awareness of stress help you to make better decisions?
- Goal Setting (Final): What did you learn about yourself from the goal setting activity. If you were to grade yourself just on attainment what grade would you get? How will use this going forward in future behavior modification?