Motivation is one’s ability to do something. People have different levels of motivation, incentives, and goals. However, motivation is often something people look to increase.
What motivates you? Money? Recognition? Sex? Accomplishment? Pride? Awards? It depends on the situation? For many, getting motivated can be difficult, with a couch being a far better option than the gym. The bar being easier than school work. And the immediate outweighing the future. Whatever the situation may be, getting motivated can be challenging and an area that many would like to improve.
People have differing desires, skills, and ambitions in life. What is motivating to one person may discourage another. It is important to understand that motivation can be improved and increased, and every person is unique.
Tips for Increasing Motivation
- Know yourself Everyone is motivated differently. Know what it is that drives and encourages you. Is it people? Material items? Feelings? Fear? Love? Determine these personal incentives.
- Set goals This allows people to understand the direction they want to go in life and a trackable progression. Goals have also been shown to improve motivation.
- Be accountable It is easy to blame your circumstances, successes, and failures on external situations. While this may be true in some instances, be accountable for your actions. Understand you are in control and responsible for your decisions and choices. Having a friend act as an accountability buddy can be beneficial for both people.
- Get organized Using things like calendars, lists, and reminders can help once stay organized, which in turn makes it is easier to get motivated and accomplish more and create a plan.
- Be confident Often people are unmotivated because of a fear of failure. Believe in yourself and your abilities. If you try and don’t succeed that is ok, try again, or at least learn. Living your life out of fear of failure will result in an unfulfilled life.
- Food is fuel The foods that a person east will have a direct biological impact on energy levels, emotions, and motivation. Try incorporating more fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other healthier options. Dark chocolate can even be helpful in motivation, yummy. Unhealthy foods usually lead to a lot of couch time.
- Substance use Using alcohol and other drugs can influence motivation. Using substances like alcohol, cannabis, and other drugs in moderation and responsibly is the best practice. Check your use, see how it is impacting your motivation.
- Exercise matters Physical exertion releases dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and more, all of which have shown to increase motivation in a variety of arenas. People who exercise have higher levels of energy.
- Good decisions lead to other good decisions When feeling unmotivated and lazy, it is likely that you will continue to be lazy and unproductive. Making one good decision, like going for a little walk, will likely lead to other good decisions and motivation.
- Find an encouraging support system On days where you feel unmotivated but your buddy is eager to do something can get you moving. Family, friends, and co-workers can be encouraging and great teammates for change.
- Put it out there publicly Much like your support can be positive, they first need to know what you want to do. Express your desires to them, a counselor, social media, etc. This will improve the chances that you get motivated.
- Form healthy habits and routines Getting into a rhythm and some consistency can be beneficial. It allows you to time budget and be productive. Be flexible and able to adapt if circumstances do change, but try to stick to a routine that works for you.
- Be your biggest supporter, not enemy Thinking positively will help the dreaded self-sabotage. Be honest about what you are doing well and where you can improve. Believe in yourself.
- Set yourself up for success Create an overall environment that is going to help you be successful. Avoiding certain places, people, and things that are negative will be helpful. Surround yourself with the positive, encouraging, and healthy for best results.
Reinforcement and Punishment
Reinforcement is anything that will increase the chances a behavior occurs again. Punishment is anything will decrease the chances a behavior occurs again.
Reinforcement, both positive and negative, results in something likely occurring again. Like giving someone a piece of candy for answering a question correctly, or paying someone for coming to work. With motivation, if there is a reward (losing weight, feeling good, accomplishing a goal, etc.) the person is more likely to engage in the behavior again, thus increasing motivation.
In motivation, punishment will decrease behaviors. Take for example a person who wants to start exercising more. She goes to the gym and is mocked by another person, breaks her leg on the treadmill, and has a terrible experience, she is less likely to exercise again and motivation will drop.
If something is punishment or reinforcement will vary from person to person. If something is positive to one person it could be negative to another. For example, if I offer up a cheeseburger to a person for coming to class it could be reinforcing and motivating to some. However, if a person a vegetarian, this could be punishment and unmotivating. The answer is in the eyes of the receiver.
It is important to stay motivated even through a negative experience. Find the positive and stay focused on your goals and motivation. Use bad situations to learn and grown, thus improving motivation.
Schedules of reinforcement
Understanding the types of reinforcement can also be useful for motivation. The schedules of reinforcement are an outline for how to deliver a reward for certain behaviors. The following chart From Becker, Engleman, and Thomas explains the varying types of reinforcement.
Motivation in the Workplace
Understanding how to motivate others, and be motivated is essential. Everyone is motivated differently, in the workplace money is usually the best incentive. However, time off, lunches, respect, awards, recognition and other rewards can be great incentives to people. If you are unsure how to get people motivated, talk to them, see what they say. Try to come up with a plan together to help everyone stay engaged and motivated.
Understanding how you are best motivated is critical, motivating others is also extremely important. Staying focused, striving to reach your potential, and continuing to grow are signs of a healthy person. Remember, you are in control of your life, stay motivated and driven! BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF YOU CAN BE!