Feeding your Injury, The Good, The Bad, The Comforting, The Suppliments
Everything changes in your life when you get injured. Your energy levels, activity abilities, and your mental health. One thing that evolves as you transition from daily adventuring and playing to the stagnancy on the couch (for a little while) is your metabolism. Ripping down mountains burns calories, resting and recovering, not so much. Understanding how your diet needs to change, and finding dietary habits that could actually aid in healing as opposed to stunting progress is a key component of productive recovery. Remember, you are feeding not only body (and injury) but also your brain.
There are many foods that can actually help your body repair itself! And no, it is not all gross things that you have to pinch your nose to swallow. Actually, yummy, tasty, filling foods that ENCOURAGE your body to heal. Awesome. Maximizing these foods and creating habits that encourage this healing is paramount. But don’t worry, we will also talk about the value of some comfort foods.
The incredible team at Backcountry Herbal Apothocary has shared some dietary suggestions for post-surgery healing. The more of these tips you can incorporate, the better your recovery can be. Remember, the food you put in your body becomes the fuel that runs your body at the most fundamental level. The list below explains the biological/chemical aspects of what you need to be feeding your body, then we will look at some of the foods you can incorporate to help provide your body with some of these nutrients. Also, going to a place like Backcountry Herbal Apothocary you can get some supplements to provide even more support is highly effective.
Thanks again to Justin Pollack and Kim Nearpass for sharing these resources:
SurgerySupport.docxSo this information seems like a lot! Possibly slightly overwhelming, but it is always good to have the chemical aspects of recovery to understand the basics. Many of these supplements are available at grocery stores or nutrition shops. Here are some food tips that will help to promote healing and contain many of the vitamins and nutrients listed above.

- Slightly Increase Protein. Proteins like fish, nuts, lean white meats, eggs, and lentils all have protein and amino acids that can help promote healing (and are delicious)!
- Fruits and Vegetables with Vitamin C. Vitamin C fights inflammation, promotes bone health and cartilage, and overall healing. While supplements for Vitamin C are helpful, getting it from your diet is also beneficial. This includes citrus fruits, berries, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, leafy greens, and Brussels sprouts.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Good for the Mind and Body. Foods rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids help reduce anxiety and depression, which often come with an injury AND can help reduce inflammation. Salmon, oysters, walnuts, chia and flax seeds, halibut, mackerel, yogurt, eggs (enhanced with Omega 3s), fresh produce, especially greens, broccoli, cauliflower, and many other foods can be enhanced with Omega 3s (read labels).
- Eat Outside to Get Vitamin D. Vitamin D is not in a lot of food but can be created by your body naturally by being in sunlight. So even if you just sit outside and have your sandwich it could be helping your recovery and mental health. Studies have shown that getting more Vitamin D can help ACL surgery recovery time.
- Calcium, Build those Bones. Calcium is great for promoting bone health, muscle strength, and helping the overall recovery, while also setting you up to avoid injuries in the future. While milk and dairy have long been promoted as high in calcium, milk, cheese, and yogurt are great, but dairy can be hard on the body while recovering and isn’t for all people. There are many foods higher in calcium like broccoli, seeds, beans, lentils, almonds, spinach, kale, oranges, and soybeans.
- Be Social With Your Eating. Obviously, be safe with pandemic protocols, but eat meals with friends and family. The isolation from injuries often takes a toll on our mental health and socialization. Having a meal with a person is a great way to enjoy food and connect.
- Comfort Foods Have Their Place. When I am injured I crave pizza, mac and cheese, wings, burgers, and other, well, less than healthy food choices. We all have our comfort foods, and truthfully, sometimes we need them. However, try to limit these unhealthier options, or share them with friends, use them as a reward, or on a really rough day. They can help you feel comforted, which is great. Here are some tips for using comfort foods to your benefit.
- Minimize the Processed Foods, Keep it Natural. Avoiding processed foods and eating more natural options is a great starting point. Snacking on nuts, fruits, veggies are great for recovery.
- Changing Eating Habits Doesn’t Have to Suck! Yes, maybe you need to change your diet a bit, but a lot of these foods listed are delicious. Branch out and try new things, have a good attitude and feel positive that you are feeding your body what it needs to make you stronger. Get creative, be clever, do your research, there are lots of great resources and recipes out there!
Recovery from injury is a multi-faceted, holistic, often soul-crushing process. Diet is one of the many ways you can help your body heal. Don’t be scared of these changes, there are yummy options out there! Eat your way to healed.