Understanding the connections between mood and decision making is essential to growing and improving mental wellness. Using the two self assessments can provide useful feedback and understanding that is valuable to increasing happiness.
The Feeling Awesome Mood Meter (FAMM)
The FAMM is a brief mood meter to assess general mental health (anxiety, stress, depression, gratitude, etc.) The test is a likert scale with all responses ranging from 0-10, with an overall score of 0-100. 0 is severe mental distress, issues, and a person is likely in danger or barely functioning. 100 is a very mentally healthy person who is likely productive and doing awesomely.
The FAMM is a brief mood meter to assess general mental health (anxiety, stress, depression, gratitude, etc.) The test is a likert scale with all responses ranging from 0-10, with an overall score of 0-100. 0 is severe mental distress, issues, and a person is likely in danger or barely functioning. 100 is a very mentally healthy person who is likely productive and doing awesomely
The FAMM is a brief mood meter to assess general mental health (anxiety, stress, depression, gratitude, etc.) The test is a likert scale with all responses ranging from 0-10, with an overall score of 0-100. 0 is severe mental distress, issues, and a person is likely in danger or barely functioning. 100 is a very mentally healthy person who is likely productive and doing awesomely.
The FAMM is a brief mood meter to assess general mental health (anxiety, stress, depression, gratitude, etc.) The test is a likert scale with all responses ranging from 0-10, with an overall score of 0-100. 0 is severe mental distress, issues, and a person is likely in danger or barely functioning. 100 is a very mentally healthy person who is likely productive and doing awesomely.
Using this tool daily will help a person to identify any trends or patterns that may exist in mental health. Being aware of patterns allows you to prepare and change them. For all people the connection between decisions and mental wellness will vary.
To understand how specific behaviors make you feel you can use the FAMM.
- Take the FAMM
- Go do something awesome (hike, bike, lunch with a friend, volunteer, yoga, create art)
- Take the FAMM again
- See any changes in overall mental health that may have occurred while doing the positive activity. Use this information to help encourage you to make healthier decisions.
Below is the last month’s worth of FAM results for a person under the alias Harold Hood.
The Next Right Decision (NRD)
The Next Right Decision is a way to track the decisions you make in a day. A variety of wellness related measures including:
- Hydration
- Gratitude
- Exercise
- Mindfulness
- Human Connection
6. Self Awareness
7. Goal Setting and Boundaries
8. Mindfulness, Self Awareness, and Spirituality
9. Supplements and Substance Use
10. Sleep
The NRD will provide a score from 0-100, each question has a maximum value of ten points. Be sure to read all options for each question. 0 being a very unhealthy physically and mentally day, and 100 being the most holistic and healthy day. This will give you a good idea of the type of day you had from a behavioral decision standpoint.
Connection Between Decisions and Mental Health
Correlation is statistical measurement, ranging from -1 to +1 that assesses connection between two things, it is often written as a percentage. In this case the association between decisions and mental wellness. For Harold Hood the correlation between mental health is currently 79% which is a significant positive correlation meaning that there is a strong connection between making good choices and feeling better.